Pelicans Progress
Spring Square Foot Garden

Ever Get Dat Feelin' Someone's Lookin' at Ya From Behind?

Cappy has returned :-D
It was a long boat ride for sure. Ten weeks to be exact. Das a long time to be away from my Baby, but Thank God it's over. I got home Thursday and the last few days have been like a long, deep sigh, relaxin' unwindin and reveling in the company of my sweet Pegody. We have been busy doing lil things 'round da house in preperation for our visit from our dear friends, Mr. Ed and Jean Radigan. They are dear friends of Pegody from Ny State and I have come to love 'em as much as she does. They are wonderful folks and we cant wait to see them again. Lots of stuff going on now that the, errrrrrr honeymoon is over, well not over but..... ya know what I mean.... less intense?? Anyways, lots of yard work, and the carpenters are comin' to do the bedroom etc.
I took some nice pictures while on the boat. I mean, ' stands to reason that in 10 weeks I'da found sometnin' to point my camera at:-)
Well, more to come later; I plan to post lots of short lil comments in the coming week. Das more my style anyways; short and sweet. Unlike 'certain Pegody's' lengthy ramblings:-P Well, better close for now 'fore I'm accused of "ramblin' on" myself. CAPPY
I took some nice pictures while on the boat. I mean, ' stands to reason that in 10 weeks I'da found sometnin' to point my camera at:-)
Well, more to come later; I plan to post lots of short lil comments in the coming week. Das more my style anyways; short and sweet. Unlike 'certain Pegody's' lengthy ramblings:-P Well, better close for now 'fore I'm accused of "ramblin' on" myself. CAPPY
Resurrection Day

During this season, too, I think of my beloved mother. I'm still shocked that she'd be 80 this year. Not my Mom...she was always so young. I'm still shocked that she's GONE. How can that be?? My Dad, too. My oldest son.My Grandma. Cappy's Dad, who was his best friend and only true ally in this world, as my Mom was with me.I really, really want to see them again. I long to see them now.
When I was in lonely pain awhile ago, I wrote this to the Lord:
We think of this time...when your badly bruised body was taken down from the rough cross, and you were placed in isolaton inside the dark tomb. The jeering crowds were gone, the sound of whips and tormenting howls were silent. In the darkness was no sound of breathing. As when you were born bloodied, you were planted, once again bloodied...a Naked Seed planted in the earth.
I reflect on times of having to give You, Lord, those that I love, and trust in Your Wisdom, as they, too, were placed back in the soil from whence they came. When all the fervent prayers seemed to go unanswered, when all the medical equipment and staff had stopped, after the mourners had gone home, and I, too, my retching sobs now quiet, had to leave them; my son, parents, grandparents and friends, each alone in their cold silent tombs.
I think of a particular seed that I like to plant each year. Before I can plant it, I have to take a sharp knife and score the skin of it, cutting into it's flesh. For all intents and purposes, it appears dead, a useless off-cast of some thing, not resembling anything of consequence, really. But because of someting akin to faith, I plant it, hoping for something more glorious.
Dear Lord, we know not much about the mysteries that take place in the deep silent places. We know that God's Hand is working at those times. Babies are born after growing in the silent places. Morning Glories arise up out of the soil after spending time in the silent places. You, Lord, rose up Victorious from Death; and from knowing that, which breeds Faith in the deep silent places in our hearts, we trust in You, that not only will our loved ones be changed and raised more beautiful than ever, so shall we.

Faith is like a whisper...
Da Cher Bebe

P.S. By the looks of the outfit, it appears Grandpa has a new fishing partner. A fishing hat and bib overalls. Looks pretty Cajun to us. :-D
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