Boy! Good thing I'm not a newspaper reporter. Our family reunion, or otherwise titled, "Jambalaya" took place, as usual, at Cappy's sister's home almost two weeks ago on the Fourth of July. Still, the memories are ageless. We missed seeing several of our loved ones this year, and if they are reading this: you were asked about SEVERAL times and dearly loved. As the well-worn hope goes, "Maybe next year". We were thrilled to have Cappy and his sister Maria's mother join us, as she recently moved from Granada, Mississippi back to Gonzales. We were concerned about her frail condition, but she seemed to enjoy herself very much.
I have videos...I do have videos, but for some reason, I'm stuck in 'slideshow' mode for the time being. I hope yall don't mind. Speaking of videos, not sure if everyone is aware that we have a lot of videos over on Youtube. Once't ya get there, type in "cappyandpegody"; it should bring you to a pile of 'em. Someplace on the page, you can click to see 'more videos from cappyandpegody', not to be confused with a lot of other crazy videos that will offer to jump out at you if you click on them...they aint ours. Well, all my dancing around the subject isn't getting this slideshow opened for you. So, without further ado (and hope to see you next year):