Sparky and I started with our little 4'by4' herb garden and once I explained to him what we were doing, we put in some parsley, green onions, and dill to go with the peppers, oregano, and horseradish that was already growing there.
We picked out the seeds for our 4' by 12' garden box then stood back and planned our planting scheme.

We laid out our pattern with lines drawn in the garden with a stick. We decided to rough it and not use our string grid as usual.

Peg and I both planted our choices for the garden; I had a little more enthusiastic help than I needed.

I sprinkled on a lil Miricle Grow plant food.

Gave the garden a good soaking.

Then took a "ta-da" moment and went to work the next morning, worrying my poor wife to death by demanding garden update reports every day. Well, here it is November 7th and I am happy to report, though late, our little garden is again off and running.

The Herb garden has little green onions, and parsley coming along and a wonderful surprise for me; DILL! Very strong aromatic smelling stuff that I had forgotten we planted. I guess Sparky did it while I wasn't looking.

In our "big" garden, the pole beans are vining up the trellis and that's carrots in the foreground.

The big leafy section here is daikon radish.

They get really big, but I also like them when they are small like this. In this stage they are very strong flavored.

This section we refer to as our salad bar. On the left is romaine lettuce, and on the right is a leafy salad mix called muscalin. We cut what we want with scissors kinda like trimming the grass and it produces all the salad we can eat all winter long.

I sprinkled on a lil Miricle Grow plant food.
Gave the garden a good soaking.
Then took a "ta-da" moment and went to work the next morning, worrying my poor wife to death by demanding garden update reports every day. Well, here it is November 7th and I am happy to report, though late, our little garden is again off and running.
The Herb garden has little green onions, and parsley coming along and a wonderful surprise for me; DILL! Very strong aromatic smelling stuff that I had forgotten we planted. I guess Sparky did it while I wasn't looking.
In our "big" garden, the pole beans are vining up the trellis and that's carrots in the foreground.
The big leafy section here is daikon radish.
They get really big, but I also like them when they are small like this. In this stage they are very strong flavored.
This section we refer to as our salad bar. On the left is romaine lettuce, and on the right is a leafy salad mix called muscalin. We cut what we want with scissors kinda like trimming the grass and it produces all the salad we can eat all winter long.
Our only setback this year was the cabbage. Having never planted it before, we planted seeds instead of little plants and they didn't work. Naturally, we looked everywhere and finally found some little plants that were being thrown out by our local seed store. Well, even though all the neighbors' cabbage is big, leafed out and beginning to make heads, we stuck these scrawny lil seedlings into the garden and said a lil prayer. We will, as always, keep yall posted on our lil Fall garden and when I get back to work next week I'm sure Ill be back to bugging poor Peg again for cabbagy garden updates.