You may have surmised that despite my not having blogged since the Super Bowl win, and despite the usual problems with this new computer, you have been on our minds. We hope today is filled with joy and happiness of loved ones. We'll be writing again soon, but until then, click on the link for the ecard we are sending YOU. It's our warm 'day of hearts' hug. Cappy and Pegody...(and of course, the 'brats', who are not fond of my birthday helium balloons, now wandering the house, untethered 'who' lightly hover and float from room to room 'following' them.)
The question is: Who is it who says they are going to beat the Saints? Now Cher, da REAL queshun iz, "WHO dat say dey gawn beat doze SAINTZ??!!" Step right up and tell us! If you dare. Oh, dem Sai'z been beat down ovah da yee-yahs, but dey aint been kept down. An dey aint gwan be kept down nee-thah! And let me tell you this; even if they did happen not to win the Super Bowl, they are still winners!! Dey iz owah hometown gladiators...dey give us sumthin' to be proud about, sumthin to cheer about, when aint been nothin' else to cheer 'bout 'round hee-yuh. (Lord... I hope have the PC correct New Orleans accent down...I'm trying.) Watchin' dish yee-uhs games, jumpin' to my feet, yellin': "Are dey our gladiators, or WHAT?!! Are dey our Gladiators, or WHAT??! Dey may get down, but help each other back up, are dey our GLADIATORS, or What...HEY!!" Either way, tonight, our Saints home team will ride back into town, our heros. And I just can't help liking a team, who call themselves the Saints, who, for a change, try to LIVE like Saints. No wonder disheer, dey got dis far. Doze boyz done been blessed.
After the Game!!! : NOBODY SAY DEY GONNA BEAT DAH SAINTS!!! Here at home, I was watching the game, with Cappy in my ear, the whole time. He had to drive the boat and couldn't actually watch the game, but listened to it over the Saints Radio Station. Whenever we scored a touchdown, outside was heard, here in our neighborhood an HUGE firework. As soon as it was evident that we had won...EVERYbody was out of their houses, yelling and shouting, some folks sporting those famous "Mardis Gras" umbrellas festooned with black and gold streamers, fireworks of bright shiny GOLD shooting up into the dark BLACK sky, some accompanied by whistles. Tonight history was made for the New Orleans Saints. It was the first time they had ever even been to a Super Bowl, and now, the first time (obviously) that they ever won it. Someone from one of the other teams that 'we' played said, "It's not just the New Orleans Saints that we have to play...we have to play their fans". I say it's no longer LOSE-ee-anna, but back to bein' the BIG Lou-EASY-anna. Last night the City elected a new that Cappy and I think New Orleans has needed for a very LONG time. (we are NOT fond of his sister, Mary, at all, tho'. ) We noticed Mitch Landrieu way back after Katrina, that this man should have been in charge. He's a go-getter, a guy who gets things done. He won by an HUGE landslide. We have high hopes for the New Orleans area. Tonight in our area, there is no color barrier, and everybody's spirits and hopes and heads are held a little bit higher. We give thanks to God for this, and say to our Saints, "Bless you boyz!!!" Out on the boat Cappy is saying, that after 43 years of cheering on the Saints, some years actually wearing a paper sack over his head, like many of the dyed-in-the-wool fans around him...when they were counted as perennial losers and labeled "the AINTS", tonight the Saints finally went 'thundering' in. Now I axe you....WHO dat???!!!