The dogs were around helping as well. I managed to save these plums from the squirrels and birds.
It's pretty labor intensive peeling and pitting them, but me and Peggy make a good team. I peel them then put them in a bowl with some lemon juice to keep them fresh.
Peggy uses her sharp fingernails to remove the seeds and inner membrane.
We covered the plums with water, added a few pounds of sugar and left them in the fridge over night to macerate (who said i don't know a few big words).
We let them simmer for an hour this evening, added some sure gel and canned them up. These loquat plums are great canned; either jellied like these or in a syrup like ya would can peaches. We love them over ice cream or short cakes etc.

As I write this post I hear the occasional "tink" of the jars sealing out in the kitchen. It's music to this chubby Cajun's ears. Sorry we didn't include a recipe, but we have made jelly enough to where we just kinda 'winged' it. Fruit and lemon juice, sugar and Sure gel are all we use and we have canning down to a streamlined, almost effortless chore. Thas another post though. :-)
It's pretty labor intensive peeling and pitting them, but me and Peggy make a good team. I peel them then put them in a bowl with some lemon juice to keep them fresh.