
Yeahhh...We Gotta Fix Dat.
Since our back door hasn't been locking well,I always set up a complicated booby-trap at night, stringing up mostly loud,noisy,"rattley" kitchen items, plus a broom to fly at their head in the dark to terrorize anyone who would deign to try to sneak into the kitchen while we are asleep, and also to wake us and da dawg up. It's probably not even necessary because we live in the tiniest house in the neighborhood surrounded by homes that would be more profitable to sneak into, any time of day or night. It's only because our bichons have actually chased people out of our dark yard at night...thank God they were with me while I was out there! I still get nightmares about it. As Cappy likes to say, "In today's brave new world, who knows what to expect anymore", and thus,nightly,I maniacally contrive my crazy "Rube Goldberg" "petard".
This morning I forgot to undo the whole shebang.
Presently,I'm in the computer room,adressing Christmas card envelopes while keeping BeauxBear with me to prevent him from making trouble with Cappy and the Spectrum cable guy, who is here because their tv service has been crazily "pixelating" since the hurricane.
While absent-mindedly writing and shushing BeauxBear to make him be quiet, I could hear the men amicably chatting in the den, while trying to work out the problem with the TV, then they moved into the bedroom to check out "my" tv, which was having the same infuriating "pixelating" issue.
Apparently the man, who has been working many, many hours of overtime, trying to make hurricane damage cable repairs, sometimes until as late as 11 o'clock at night, as are his fellow crew-members--and he was having a bad day already, what with his truck not working,and then the next company truck he was relegated to try out, with the wrong equipment on board, fought with him tooth and nail to get here in this miserable "piece of truck", and all the while he was trying not to be late, and not looking forward to the prospect of his whole day looming over him with truck problems now in the mix. In spite of his aggravation, he sounded as though, by talking and joking with Cappy, that his nerves were calming down a little.
Happily visiting, they moved along to the back side of the house and out the open window I could hear them begin talking more business-like; the Spectrum guy was explaining to Cappy, thus, "Now, ya see here, this line goes...". I kept mindlessly writing, enjoying the cool breeze.
Suddenly, there came such a loud racket and horrible ruckus!...things crashing in several tones, like metal and clunking pans and Cappy's voice hollering and the Spectrum guy who had opened the door for Cappy,yelping!!
(...and me...I was in here nodding, "Oh no! I know what that was." I stayed put.)
The guy gasped and whimpered, "Did I do that?"
Cappy just shuffled on in, moving a path in the odds and ends with his foot, knowing just who...(in this case not a fancy "whom"), but who he is married to, said,"No..." and was about to go into detail, but the guy rushed off around the side of the house to his truck, exclaiming in a high, pinched voice that he had a full day ahead of him, slammed his "piece of truck" door and chugged it out of the neighborhood.
Ahh, I think we'd better get that lock fixed. I don't want to get hoist in my own 'trap'...now I've got to go gather up my "ammunition" and get ready to reset it again tonight.
I "pity the fool".
...Don't you?