
cappy is back

Well as you can tell from todays flood of pictures I am back from 15 days on "da boat". It was a long hitch and I missed Peg terribly. I'm on a different boat now and as always it takes a while to adjust. This tug is old and a little run down but bigger and more comfortable. It needs lots of work but we have a good start already. Its nice working with a crew that gets along and gets the work done. Now that im home we are relaxing, playing in the yard, and just generally reveling in each others company.

I'll post some pictures from around the house later. Our square foot garden is in full bloom. Peg has been suplying the neighbors with cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, snap beans , and assorted peppers for weeks now. It's amazing how much produce ya can get from a small area if ya follow the square foot gardening technique.

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