
We're Baaaaack!

Sighhhh, we are bone 'tarred'. We drove 18 hours straight, getting home around three A.M. We would have put up in a hotel last night, but all of the hotels were Full-Full-Full. The roads were crowded bumper to bumper with trucks and cars. People coming back to New Olreans. (We even witnessed a multi-car accident right in front of us.) Many people were sleeping in their cars along the road, not able to find hotels, or able to wait to find a Rest Area, which were also extremely crowded.
Actually it's a good thing we did drive all the way home last night, because SparkyBear had started coughing halfway home, then throwing up the rest of the night, from when we got home til we took him to the vet's this morning. He's still coughing and throwing up. The vet's not sure what's up, but gave him meds, etc. and will take him back in a week.
We NEED to get some sleep, but just finishing giving them both a bath, cuz they somehow had gotten loaded with fleas along the way.
Don't get me wrong; it was a fun vacation, which we'll relate as soon as we can think and see straight.
Ya know what?? We missed Ya'll, (yessss...YOU) and hope you are feeling just fine and missed us, too. Later.


  1. Anonymous4:27 PM

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  2. Welcome Back Peggy, Cappy, Sparky and Marky Bear. Hope that the little poochie's hind leg isn't giving him any pain.

    Taylor & Teri
