
Hugs From Our Lil' World to You All.

So many people leave such nice comments that I'd love to respond directly. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. It really makes my day...no lie! Maybe when Cappy gets back off 'da boat' I'll have him put a link or something so that anyone who wants, can contact us by email, not just by posting here on the Blog. Til then contact us by email at: cappy_and_pegody@yahoo.com

(I guess I should add that our last name is Robin...hence the 'chubby robins'...and two crazy-nutsy bichons.)

1 comment:

  1. I love your stories. Did you get my email a couple of weeks ago? If you did, is that the biggest coincidence or what?!? If not, you have no clue what I am babbling about. LOL
