
What's Not To Love?

Happy Valentine's Day. The "Day of Hearts". Two of my Sweeties in the picture.
I've just been "gagging Lolly" lately. Cappy is out on the boat. It seems as though he's been there three weeks already, and it's barely been one week. I've spent a lot of time practicing my music, cuz both the choirs I'm in have been busy lately.
I've had my head buried in seed catalogs and have ordered more victims...er..plants for the yard. Today we ordered a couple of Paw paw trees. We remember singing about them when we were kids in school. The fruit sounds delicious. A banana custard with vanilla. At least that's what the catalogs say. Down here the kids call their grandmothers Maw Maw, so Cappy said I should make some jelly or jam out of the fruit and call them, "Maw maw's Paw paws".
I should be up in the attic straightening things up and tossing out stuff. If it's one thing I learned from Cappy, it's that no matter how much I protested, when he ordered me to march things "to the side of the road!" I always felt relieved, actually, to have these things off my hands. Gosh, I hadn't realized it, but it really takes a lot of energy to save stuff. Mentally. Keeping things, cuz I just KNEW I'd need them one day for one project or another, but then trying to remember where I kept them, or what I actually had on hand, no matter how well I had organized them was draining, and I didn't even know it. Kind of like all the stuff running in the background of the computer here, that you don't see, but it takes a lot of ram or rom or dos or whatever that stuff is in there, to run it. (Poor Mother-board outa her mind.) Now when I give stuff away or take it 'to the SIDE of the ROAD!' it's a liberating feeling.
As I said...I 'should' be up in the attic during these 'cold' days of winter. 50 degrees is perfect weather for getting that done. What I've really been doing is playing Scrabble with the computer. My son Dan got me the game for Christmas.
Ohhhh, and speaking of Dan, he is supposed to be coming down again this month with his fiance` and kiddoes, so will be here for Mardis Gras. Poor Cappy won't be able to get off the boat and come along with us. Not gwinder to celebrate in New Olreans. I never have. I've always gone, when I have gone, (?) to Lafayette with Cappy's family. That's where I plan on taking Dan. It's more Family oriented there and they have a children's parade I think the kids will enjoy. It'll be their first time down here and they should be able to catch a lot of beads, etc.
Well, I'm off to bed. I hope Cappy finds the Valentine thingys I hid in his seabag.
I hope your heart is Happy and Blest today and always.

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