
Roll Out Doze Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of April

I apoligize to our friends up north (like Taffy :-p). I know this is cruel, but somehow can't stop myself. Here's a visual progress report on Cappy's grape arbor. The grapes are already the size of petite peas. The 'bandana' palm towers over the arbor, what...five feet? I sat out there this morning in the shade and had my coffee, while the humming birds chased each other around, in and out, over my head, fighting over territorial space for their red feeder. I have to fill it frequently.
It's 88 degrees outside. I should be working in the yard, weeding, etc., but the most I've done so far is pick a couple of cherry tomatoes and some romaine lettuce and parsley, and had them for lunch. The neighbors have been busy since early this morning working on their yards. They do that most everyday. Sighhhh...since I've 'retired' ...gone lazy mostly, I'm just not an early riser. I am spoiled now. I like to lie in bed; lolly-gag...or gag lolly, whichever, and collect my thoughts. Just lie there and really think about things. When the kids were all home I didn't have that luxury. After about fifteen minutes I usually crawl out and find what mischief I can get into. I'm like a kid left home alone.
Cappy might not be getting off the boat this coming week, as one of the other men on the boat had a heart attack, major surgery as a result, and may not be back for weeks. Cappy says, "It's a boat thing" to stay on board and take care of things. He's such a good man, this Cappy of ours.
Oh gosh, I just remembered I have a potluck dinner to attend this afternoon! I'm taking Cappy's coleslaw (a REAL favorite) and some soda. Dang! There goes my Sunday afternoon of sittin' aroun' doin' nuttin'. I'll do that at the potluck, I guess. Alright, I'd better get my mosey on.

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