
"Spring is Sprung, Da Grass is Rizz, Ya Wonder Where Da Flowers Izz??"

Well, he's gone again. It was a fast week, due to a schedule change. For now he'll be on the boat for 14 days and home for 7 days. That's a whole lot better than spending 28 days apart.
He got to sit in his grape arbor with his brat dawg, SparkyBear. The grapes aren't quite over the top yet, but are working hard to get there. The elephant ears plants are finally starting to come up out of the big pots.
The only building he did this time was to struggle with the wrought iron planters for the carport. Last night he built a fire in the ourdoor fire pit that son,Dan had gotten him, along with the party lights, and we sat around talking about the projects we two work on together. I had to laugh when he told me about an outhouse constructed 40 yards from their house. That's a Longgggg ways. It was built by a man and woman team. Willy Maykett and Betty Doant.
While Cappy is on the boat, I'll be practicing my accordian because our Charasmatic group, Spirit of Praise will be playing for church at 9 a.m. on Easter. And then I sing with the fun Gospel Choir on Good Friday AND the 7:00 a.m. mass on Easter. So I get to sit through 2 masses. It's not the first time. Actually it's fun.
Lest I bore ya'll to pieces, I'll leave off here. I'm tired and want to muster up all my energy and strength to lie in bed like a sluggard. Til then, Hugs, from Us'ns!


  1. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Peggy i'm jealous, your plants look awesome, we just got rid of the ice off the lake. Tonight we made the trip to Menards for plant stuff! Can't wait until it stays warm enough at night so we can plant! Ya sure you don't wanna live at the north pole like me?

  2. LOL Taffy....uhm...lemme think on your last question. not. But come on down and join us! Hugs,
