
Carry On.

It was Cousin Larry's 50th birthday party. We all went to Lafayette to help him celebrate.

Well, it's always a little crazy and a lot of fun. It was a party befitting of Larry-Pie's tastes and personality.
As from Cappy's postings this week, you can see the week he was off the boat, was packed with a lot of fun. (Alas, yesterday he had to go back out pushing the oil barges with his tug.) I'm not sure if he mentioned that among other things, we had gone boat riding way out in the beautiful bayou country and tried fishing. We mostly just laughed and passed a good time with our crazy-nutsy dawgs. I swear if SparkyBear had thumbs, we'd buy him his own fishing pole, he loves it so. Monday, Cappy's night to 'kick back' and have a few beers, as he calls it, we lit the outdoor fireplace Dan got him, and cooked some weenies, corn from Sonia, across the street, (that was so nice of her) and some marshmallows. (more to come on this adventure) We just plain had a very fun week!
When we had gone to Lafayette for Cousin Larry's birthday party this past Sunday, I had dropped off my accordian there to be repaired. After taking Cappy to work yesterday, I drove on back to Lafayette to pick up my 'axe', which was being repaired by the one and only Junior Martin,himself, who makes the world famous Cajun accordians, and is a well-known, extremely talented and accomplished musician.http://martinaccordions.com/ Mr. Junior Martin had checked out my accordian a few years ago, so when it somehow managed to get broken this past week, of course I took it back to him. When I got to his workshop to pick it up,he was working on Buckwheat Zydeco's brother's accordian! Whoa! (Buckwheat Zydeco, people!) While I was there I played a couple songs to let him see that it was working fine, then (shock) I was privileged to 'jam' with him and his grandson, Joseph. Mr. Junior plays a Steel guitar in ways that just boggled my mind. He played Amazing Grace as I'd never heard it before....it truly WAS amazing Amazing Grace. His grandson played bass guitar, but he's also an accomplished musician on many instruments, Cajun accordian being one of them. I kept wanting to pinch myself to see if I really was there playing music with them. As I was leaving, they invited me to come back and play with their get-together this Sunday. I took my accordian and floated out to our truck. I sure hope I can make it this Sunday.
From there, I went to visit Cappy's SWEET MawMaw (grandmother), who sadly was suffering with an injured leg in her nursing home. After I left there, I went to visit Aunt Gussie, her daughter, and Cappy's aunt. I cannot tell you how much I love this dear lady, and was so glad to be able to spend a few hours with her, sharing family news and laughter, which has always been her hallmark.
After that whirlwind week of fun, silliness, family goings ons, I'm busily trying to stuff the tiny 'suitcase' that has wheels and a puller-thingy. Next Wednesday is the day I plan on flying (for the first time EVER) to NYS for son Dan's wedding, and I'm Determined to jam everything I'll need for a week into that stubborn little suitcase, have it actually fit through that metal detector size thing, and be able to carry it on board. Cappy is still rather dubious, but I'm undaunted. It's a Carry On so it's going even if I have to drag it on, with the seams popping. Oh it's going alright.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:24 PM

    :O Peggy you didn't fit it all in to a carry on?:O There is no way! I wouldn't have sent the most important weeks ahead, with a do not open lable, and then some in the carry on, and then in cargo> but then again I have only flown once!:P Shhh! then got in a car wreck after only being on the ground a 1/2 hour, and :O and I wasn't driving!:P
