
Young Show-Off

I was sitting at the dock the other day doing paperwork when I looked outa my 'office window' and spied a young Egret primping in hopes of attracting a mate. Like many a young man of many species, he primped, combed, fluffed and then posed in all his splendor. I think his efforts were not in vain cause ya gotta admit he is a handsome young cuss. Alas, his efforts seem to have been for naught, for he sat there alone the whole time I was doing my paper work. I spooked him when I stepped outa da wheel house and he flew off. Well, if ya gotta spend a morning in your office doing paper work, might as well have a preening, fluffing young Egret to keep ya company. This is one of the many things I love 'bout my job and life on the water.

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