
Our annual family weekend

Well, our annual Jambalaya weekend was a roaring sucess. We had a small turnout, due to my schedule at work changing. This caused us to change the weekend date, and the new date interfered with some schedules. The food was good, if I say so myself, and it was wonderful having stepson, Dan and his family join us. It made this ole Cappy's heart swell with pride to have family to bring to the family reunion. Cousin Larry is busily loading pictures of the weekend onto the family website, but it takes time. For now though, click the title of this post to be brought to a steadily growing photo page on the family website. Click "View slideshow" when ya get there; be patient it takes a while to load, and enjoy the show. As always, please leave us a comment or question and we will gladly respond. It's nice to know yall are looking.


  1. Anonymous5:48 PM

    The little one was looking over my shoulder as I was reading the blog, his response was whoa where did thy get a big kettle like that? His next thing he said look at the big spatula he is stir all that food with,lol he said is he cooking for the army or what? So I explained to him what your doing!

    P.S OOOPS!!! I guess he's not so little anymore! He's 10 and can cook up a storm!

  2. Hello You Two Cajun Cousins, and the Frison Bichon crew, wethought we'd drop by and say Hello, as we haven't been around for quite some time and we were wondering how y'all are doing. Ray, you look downright rail thin, we almost didn't recognize you! Ya better not be on some newfangled diet, because there sure ain't much of you in that pciture. And no offense, if the skinny model look is what you are hankering for Ray, and modeling cajun clothes on the runway has become your new favorite pasttime, so be it. The big question here is 'Why is Peggy starving you?', lol. You must have been a real bad boy for her to keep you away from the Jambalya and Gumbo pots. (You keep away from them diets Ray, that calorie count stuff is nothing but Northern Hogwash.) I'm still waiting for a plate of Gator Gumbo!
    It sure is nice to see the family pics, we will start dropping by a little more regularly, we've missed reading your blog, but the good thing is that we can always catch up now on what we've missed. Hello to Sookie, Sparky the Wonder Dog, and of course Marky Bear Robin!

    Taylor & Teri
    Snow & Boo

  3. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Reminds me of all the good times we had as a family when I was a child. Let the good times roll!

  4. LOLLING my buttsy off here, Tay and Teri! Cappy may have lost a little weight, but it's the eternal struggle; good Cajun cookin' as opposed to looking skinny. (and aint neither of us skinny...look again.) Hugs, Peg

    P.S. You guys are sooooo sweet!!

  5. Hiya Taffy! I think Cappy inherited his big kettle, but down here there are lots of places that sell huge stuff like that. You should see all his cooking equipment. When we saddle up all the gear to go cook anywhere, Cappy calls it his 'dog and pony show'. And I think it's great that your little guy can already cook at age 10! Good job teaching him, Girlfriend.
