
I've Been Trying to Beat the Maritime Doldrums

...And now I've been fighting with this Blogsite; it hasn't let me, and other people as well, upload our pictures on here. It was fun having Dan and his family here for the Family Jambalaya, and I planned on telling Ya'll all about it, but when I can't include photos, it's just not all that fun. Then to make matters worse, after all the festivities, everybody went and left me all alone here with just the dawgs again. Cappy has to be on the boat for 7 whole weeks! But...when he gets off dat boat, we are planning on heading north again to visit family who didn't get to come down, and for Cappy to cook a big Jambalaya for them, like he did down here. Most everybody up there has never had real Cajun Jambalaya, so they are in for a real taste treat, not to mention tons of hugs. Until I can wrestle some photos onto this page, I'll just give you the link to the family webpage where you can see the "goings ons" of our last annual family reunion aka Jambalaya. (The first pictures are of the Friday night get-together where Cappy and assorted family and friends help prepare seafood courtboullion, pronounced 'coobeeyawn'. My friend, Melissa made this fantastic punch with a tropical 'punch', if ya get my drift. YUM!) http://cajuncousins.photosite.com/jam06/

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