

We pried ourselves outa bed this morning at the crack of 9. Yawning,stretching, scratching,moaning, sniffing, etc. and hobbled around trying to get our "motors " running. I limped into the kitchen to find Peg standing at the coffee pot with a fuzzy look in her eyes. She remarked "ya know, ya really need a cup of coffee to make coffee in the mornings sometimes". I had to think bout that one for awhile. I guess our slugishness this morning is due to all the wonderful fun we had this weekend. The wedding was great(more later) and it's always great seeing family and friends and meeting new relations. We had a great time. I offer this lil post in way of explanation. We have been very busy and haven't had time to do anything much. We got home yesterday afternoon, crashed on the couch and peeled some pecans while sitting there relaxin'. We planning to catch up today with a big ole pot of Monday beans on the stove. We will attempt to catch up on blogs and care packages promised etc.


  1. Anonymous2:04 PM

    some people just aren't morning people

  2. True anonymous, Peggy and I not having small children also have no scchedule. We are often up till the wee hrs. playing a game or working on a project. We also are often getting up in the wee hrs heading off on some adventure.
    we can also be found napping on warm afternoons. Aint it great being us?? :P

  3. Anonymous10:24 PM

    i just spent a good two hours reading a very good blog. Peggy and Ray keep the good work up and a surprize is on the way your good canuck freind from up north its -23 celcius here thats 9.4 ferinheit have a turbo for me ray and give pegg a kiss
