
Time to pay da rent

Just a quick note from Cappy, wishing you and yours the very best and safest of holidays. I'm walking out the door for a month at work. As I prepare to leave, my thoughts turn to you, our family, friends, neighbors, and occasional readers. I hope for you a safe and happy month and the very merriest Christmas. I'll be back next year with a whole bunch of pictures and stories, I'm sure. Till then Peg will post for us. Please. drop us a comment on ocasion and say hi; its very nice, and encouraging when we hear from you.


  1. Anonymous10:35 PM

    I'm so sory you will not be home for Christmas! A month seems like a long time. I so enjoy your post! Ms. Pegs too! Well I'm wishing you a very safe and MERRY CHRISTmas!!!Till next year....Can't wait to hear what you will have to say!

  2. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Hey, I was just at my grandmother's house(Olean,NY) the other day and she showed me the card you sent her. She told me you used to live in her house before she did.I saw that you guys had a blog and I figured since I had one too I'd drop a line. It's amazing how small the world is with the internet. Anyway, Have a good holiday, Sean.

  3. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Good luck on the water 'driving the boat'. I know Miss Peggy will be anxiously awaiting your return. :) Merry Christmas to both of you!

  4. Well, thank you anonymous, I'll tell Cappy what you wrote. May you, too have a most wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year, as well.

    Thank you, Sean. Yes, I lived in the house from when I was a baby, til I was about twelve years old. I still have dreams about when I lived there. Your grandmother is a very nice lady; she was very gracious to let us come in and visit with no advance notice.
    Please let us know how to get to your blog; we'd love to read what you've written.
    We hope you have a wonderful Holiday Season, as well, Sean.
    Thanks anonymous for Cappy out there driving da boat. He's very good at it. Have you seen the slideshow on the link, on this blog, which shows how narrow some of the bridges are that he has to drive his barge and boat through, by not stopping or slowing down? If he slows down while driving through the bridges, the steering becomes very difficult. It makes my hair stand on end every time I view it.
    Hey! You have a Merry Christmas, as well!! Hugs to All
