
It's That Time Again

It's been a wonderful, restful time off. We had a ball on our lil road trip to Atlanta. I wish it hadn't rained so much, cause there is lots of stuff I wanted to do in the yard. We only got to work in the yard 1 day and it was really too wet then. We only scratched the surface of our gettin' ready for Spring gardening. One thing is for sure, there was ample time for "couch potatoing" and Sunday afternoon naps. I ship out tomorrow, bright and early for the whole month of February. As always, I'll keep the camera handy and try to take some nice pictures to share with you. Til I'm home to blog again, I hope you are safe and happy.I'm sure Peggy is looking forwards to her 'take' on things and will post while I'm gone. As always, I ask that yall leave us a comment and let us know how you are and what ya think. It means a lot to us and we love hearing from you. That is the motivation that keeps us blogging, and thanks for it. Well, see ya in March; til then ,may God bless you and yours.


  1. Anonymous12:09 AM

    love da 'pooch' bookends~!

  2. Great picture! Ray looks like he's wearing one of those 'High Court Judge's Wigs', and the defence decided to 'Rest' early!

    Taylor & Teri
    Come visit, you might see somethings you like ;)

  3. Anonymous6:45 PM

    lol, here I thought bear was the only dog that was half cat, that has to climb on the back of the couch, chairs :O don't forget likes to ride on your shoulder while in the van!

  4. Anonymous5:40 PM



  5. Hiya Linda! He's going to be 'celebrating' his birthday out on da boat, but gets home 3 days later. (I put a b.day gift and a valentine in his seabag for him.) When he gets home, he wants to go to our fav restaurant in Baton Rouge and follow it by playing Putt-Putt Golf. And yeah, his 'earrings' will be waiting here for him. LOL
    Hi anonymous! I like that..."pooch bookends". LOL...they kept his head from rolling around, giving him a crick in his neck. They really love their 'Dad'.
    Well, Taylor and Teri, you had me about rolling on the floor laughing again at your comment. Hey...tell us about that cat jumping on 'your?' hand. It's too funny.
    AND....your blogsite is just great. We knew you were creative and talented, but GOLLLLLLY.
    Hiya "MORI"!
