
Our Atlanta Road Trip

1-24-07 True to form, we embarked on our lil trip at the "crack of noon". We aint mornin' people and we definately aint punctual. Typical departure times for us range from noon, to midnight or later. We like driving at night and try to avoid rush hours. With that in mind, we plan duckin' through the woods, skirtin' Nawlins and takin' I-12 to Slidell, then north on I-65. To get there we gotta traverse some narrow, curvy roads through the lake region of S.E. Louisiana and that's always fun for us. This time, though, we gonna pay close attention to where we are going. We have been known to laugh and sing our way past a turn and wind up several hours outa da way.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Great trip! felt like i was there.
    HAPPY BIRFDAY SISSY! I didn't forget, told everyone it was your birthday.
    love reading thoms bear story. It was funny!!!! Thom looks good.
    Love you and miss you.
