
And Now My Problems Are Small...Very, Very Small.

This morning our SUV was sitting pretty, riding along, getting a look at the world passing by, from atop a flat-bed tow truck. I was sitting in the cab of the truck engaged in conversation about the mechanical problems I've been having with it, when my cell phone rang. I thought it was Cappy calling, so I answered it, to let him know we were on our way to the repair shop. It was our friend, Veronica, crying and somewhat incoherent.
Veronica, you may remember, is married to Glenn, a towboat captain, whom Cappy has known for several years. I went to their home for Thanksgiving. Their grandbaby, which was due in a week or so, has died, and the dr.'s are inducing labor this evening. They are heartbroken, as you can imagine. Little Bryleigh was going to be the big sister, to her new baby sister, Myleigh Angel. Words escaped me; in a situation like this, all I know to do is to grieve with them, and offer to help in any way I can. We love them so very much. Please keep this family in your prayers, if you would.
Cappy and I just learned that he will not be able to come home this Thursday, as expected, but will stay on the boat another 6 weeks. This may sound pretty bad, but, in light of the fact that one of his crew-mates has just learned he has a lymphoma type cancer, it's not that much of a sacrifice for Cappy to take this very nice man's place while he under-goes the medical battle he is just about to begin. Please, also, if you would, keep Larry and his family in your prayers.
They, and you, are a part of Cappy and Pegody's World. Whenever you need us, we are here, and thank you for the encouragement and care which we receive from you, whether directly or by the prayers, and/or good thoughts you send our way.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Linda, I'm so sorry that this happened to you, as well. Thank you for your prayers for this family. From your pain and experience,you know just how to pray in this situation. Your Dad is certainly right about that, too. Give Dad a hug for us.
