
Our New Grandbaby!!!

I was sound asleep last night when the phone rang. Dan said there were problems; they were taking Jennifer in for an emergency C-section, but other than that he couldn't talk and had to get right off the phone, so please...PLEASE, just PRAY. I sat up on the couch after that, waiting to hear any more. He called back in about an hour or so to say things looked okay now, that the baby was born, and that both his wife and baby were doing better. Earlier, tho, whenever she started having contractions, the baby's stats...blood pressure and heartbeat would go way down. They were going to let her have an epidural, but then she started hemoraging, Dan said, so the next thing he knew, they were racing her down the hall for surgery. They had gone to all kinds of classes and they had planned on Dan being there to help deliver, but he wasn't even allowed in. Of course he was frantic...who knows what could have happened.
What counts is that Mom and Baby are doing well right now. The baby's first and middle names are Chase Steven. He was born at 1:53 A.M. this morning. He weighed in at 7lb. 3 oz., and is 20" long. I could hear his sweet little voice over the phone this afternoon as I talked with Dan. He told me Jen was just then trying to get Chase to nurse. Dan said, "There he goes, he just 'latched on' ..." Now that's a good sign. They will be in the hospital until Saturday or Sunday, making sure they are both ready to go home, where two doting tween-aged sisters can hardly wait to get their hands on him. He also has a couple of brothers too, who can teach him how to get into mischief with them, when he gets a little older.
As for Grandpa, out on the boat, who kept calling and calling wanting to know the "very latest...nothing NEW??!", and myself, who felt the same way, we can hardly wait, ourselves to get our paws on the new baby, and the rest of our Yankee family, with our other kids and grandbabies. God Bless 'Em All!


  1. Anonymous8:00 AM


    Taylor & Teri

  2. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Congrats to you both,Look forward to the teen years, ugh I don't wish teens on anyone:| I have enough with the two I have!:|
