
Mr. Ed and Jean's Visit( the bbq)

We sang, laughed, visited, ate too much, and as always, had a great time. When friends come to visit ya can be sure there will be something good cookin'. Mr. Ed and Jean's visit was just the excuse we needed to fire up the bbq pit and do some pickin' and grinnin', singin' and dancin', etc. For appetizers we had crabmeat stuffed mushroom caps, smoked sausage slices, and Jean bought some hors d'ouvres trays full of veggies, fruits, cheeses etc. The main munchies consisted of BBQ pork, corn on the cob, shrimp fettuchini that Veronica brought, our cole slaw, Jean's delectable zucchini casserole(which was soooo good it barely made it to the table) and some white beans. Dessert consisted of lots of goodies, that I was too full to investigate, but I'm sure they were great. With a jug of Melissa's dad's homemade blackberry wine to wash it down, it was quite a feast. The fun lasted well into the night, lighted up with our tacky party lights and the romantic blaze from too many tiki torches. When talking about a true Cajun good time, ya always hear about us letting "roll". For photographic evidence of this "bon temps' click the title of this lil story, then click slide show.

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