
Mr. Ed and Jean's Visit(Vermilion Ville)

As you read down the blog you will begin to realize why Peggy and I had tears in our eyes when we hugged our dear friends, the Radigans and told them "bye". We had such fun during their visit and I'm sure ya can tell from the blog what great folks they are. We love their visits. This one is barely over and we are already eagerly anticipating and planning for their return.

While we were showing them around we took them to Vermilion Ville. Vermilion Ville is a Cajun/Creole heritage park made to resemble a Cajun village from the late 1700's to early 1800's. There are several old homes and many reconstructed buildings, typically found in a rural village of the time. For more pictures from our visit click the title of this blog, wait for the album to load, click "view slideshow", then view the slide show. I only wish I knew how to put some good Cajun music playin' for yall while watching the show.

The folks at Vermilion ville have a nice website with a good virtual tour for your enjoyment, as well. It's: www.vermilionville.org

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