
The Calm Before Sweet, Lovable Cappy Storms off'n Da Boat.

It's always been a tradition that on the Monday before Cappy gets off the boat, which is Thurdsay, I tell the dawgs, "Day after day after tomorrow, 'Daddy' will come home". They look at me, but never get excited. It's also the day I go around 'tying up loose ends' so that when he's home I don't have to spend a lot of time messing with 'peripheral' stuff.
Today I plan on finishing painting the hall. No big whoop.
The big whoop will be when he's home. We thought we might go on over to New Orleans one day; visit the Aquarium, check out the Riverwalk area, have lunch at our favorite Gumbo Shop, then to a Zephyr's baseball game.
(Hey...I accidentally hit the wrong button and this thang posted the blog before I finished! Grrr.)
This is just a bland kind of post anyhow. It's like when along the shoreline, the water is going out, out, out...


  1. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Waaaahooooo! I can finally leave comments.(only cause I remembered my password LOL )hope all is well down there and you both are enjoying the great summer weather.very busy here. having a big family party for Heather, Mark and the kids before they leave for florida the end of the month. Gosh I am going to miss them...Dad is doing ok for the shape he is in and we just takes things one day at a time...well could write a book but i won't. lol I know with cappy off the boat you guys have ummmmmmm other things to do. LOL huggiesss

  2. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Hi Peggy, nice to read your blog again. we've been busy as ever this summer.
    Taylor & Teri

  3. Hiya Linda,
    I'm glad you figgered out how to jump through the hoops to be able to leave us a post. I've tried leaving notes on other blogs, but got tired of 'hoop jumping' so left nothing, but sure liked what I had read there many times. So now. Keep letting us know whatcha think; it's very motivating.
    Hiya Tay and Teri,
    I hope by busy, you also mean FUN...'at's what summer's for, aint it not?? (((U)))
