
Trapped Again.

I just like this cartoon, on so many levels. Ever feel as though you've been their dinner guest? LOL.
I got up early yesterday, which is not a typical thing for me, got in the shower, dressed, "coffee'd", and was out the door to get to church for a special Mass. The ignition wouldn't turn over...not a click...nothing. No lights, even, in the whole vehicle. Sighhhh, here we go again. An AAA guy came out and jumped the battery, but said it wouldn't hold a charge, so I called Trapp Chevrolet again, and drove it right down. The A/C hasn't been working all that well either, lately, which is not a good thing in this record breaking high heat. It would have been nice if I could have stuck my head out the window like a dog as I drove there...an hour away, it woulda been nice. I had all the windows open blowing blast-furnace heat from the road through the SUV, which was better than the blast-furnace heat from the engine vent...I dunno, it was a toss up, but I got it there.
They'll try to get a look at the problem tomorrow. Meanwhile I've got a little dark gold rental car; a KIA Rio. The lady at the rental desk was typing away and talking to a fellow worker when she said, "Can you do a Kee-ya-ree-oh, Ms. Row-ban?" Huh? Did she want me to do some kind of cartwheel, too, besides having my credit card? Oh...ok, I got it.
Lots of stuff pending around here; whassup with the SUV, the bill, thereof, the carpenters are coming back and their last bill was double our expectation...what they had told us, I got a CRAPPY hateful letter from a loved-one, there's an hurricane perhaps headed this way. If "anticipation is half the fun", I should be enjoying all this a whole lot more than I am, and let me be truly grateful for what I am about to receive.


  1. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Hello Peggy, Cappy, Marky Bear, Sparky, The Wonder Dog and any other critters that might be getting the Cajun TLC of the wonderful C & P Hospitality Home. Love reading the blog, we are so darn busy these days, with plenty of excursions around this huge province each and every weekend.
    sorry to hear about the battery drain, it sounds like somewhere in the electrical system there is a short that might be causing the battery to drain out, not a fun thing. Those little KIA cars are hilarious, and not too bad for a day or two. Them bill-doubling carpenters outta get a stiff fivcer or three across the sea to ftheir britches for their skyrocketing markup. Maybe Sparky can 'smile' at them and get their attention. I've had my fill of 'additional charges' lately Peggy, and had a few choice words for those who decided to 'adjust the bill', a.k.a. 'Padding the Mattress'. I start off by showing them their contracts, which usually include the words, 'no additional charges without consultation'. That usually gets a quiet, "Oh, we just thought that..." Me: "You just thought, guess again Junior. Now, where's your darned Boss...?!" That usually reduces the bill, particularly when RGandpa Snow is within hearing distance. But we normally only use people we've had for years to fix anything we can't do ourselves.
    And regarding the CRAPPY letter from the lvoed one, who is likely not feeling 'The Love', just put that letter on a high shelf and put a heavy cookbook on top of it, and leave it there for at least a year. That's an old Italian method of avoiding stress and aggravation, and it usually works too. Often times people can write a letter under all kinds of duress, stress and no be in their true spirit. But if that person is still in that mode of thinking, well, please yourselves and avoid them entirely. Some people truly don't understand that when they confuse kindness with weakness, they are shortchanging themselves of the Love and Affection of their fellow woman, man and canine. All the best to 'Yall and safe prayers to all as well. Hello to Cappy Ray in 'Da Boat'.

    Love, Taylor, Teri & Wolfie 'The Trespassing Tourist Chasing Dog'

  2. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Hello Peggy, Cappy, Marky Bear, Sparky, The Wonder Dog and any other critters that might be getting the Cajun TLC of the wonderful C & P Hospitality Home. Love reading the blog, we are so darn busy these days, with plenty of excursions around this huge province each and every weekend.
    Sorry to hear about the battery drain, it sounds like somewhere in the electrical system there is a short that might be causing the battery to drain out, not a fun thing. Those little KIA cars are hilarious, and not too bad for a day or two. Them bill-doubling carpenters outta get a stiff fiver or three across the seat of their britches for their skyrocketing bill markup. Maybe Sparky can 'smile' at them and get their attention. I've had my fill of 'additional charges' lately Peggy, and had a few choice words for those who decided to 'adjust the bill', a.k.a. 'Padding the Mattress'. I start off by showing them their contracts, which usually include the words, 'no additional charges without consultation'. That usually gets a quiet, "Oh, we just thought that..." Me: "You just thought?! Guess again Junior. Now, where's your darned Boss...?!" That usually reduces the bill, particularly when Grandpa Snow is within hearing distance. And he usually is, lol. But we normally only use people we've had for years to fix anything we can't do ourselves.
    And regarding the CRAPPY letter from the loved one, who is likely not feeling 'The Love', just put that letter on a high shelf and put a heavy cookbook on top of it, and leave it there for at least a year. That's an old Italian method of avoiding stress and undue aggravation, and it usually works too. Often times people can write a letter under all kinds of duress, stress and not be in their true spirit. But if that person is still in that mode of thinking, well, please yourselves and avoid them entirely. Some people truly don't understand that when they confuse kindness with weakness, they are shortchanging themselves of the Love and Affection of their Fellow Woman, Man and Cajun Canine. All The Best to 'Y'all' and safe prayers to all as well. Hello to Cappy Ray in 'Da Boat'.

    Love, Taylor, Teri & Wolfie 'The Trespassing Tourist Chasing Dog'

  3. Anonymous12:10 PM

    I fixed all 'Da Typos' in the first reply, Snow can't type very well, and I'm thinking that Y'all won't be able to understand his Italian Chicken Scratchin', lmao.

