
I Am So Psst (and you Know I don't talk like that)

I know Cappy and I have told people that we don't preach or get on a soapbox here, but if I don't vent someplace, I'll just implode, I think.
So, that being said, heavily dragging out a soapbox, banging it on the floor, hard, a couple of times, not bothering to dust it off,I just climb on top, and test the microphone. "Testy...Testy...one, two, three....grrrrr...maybe I should continue my count all the way to ten, and just leave ya'll alone." (and yes, I meant 'testy' and not 'testing'. Alrighty then:

It wasn't bad enough that a couple of weeks ago, these two tall, dark and 'handsome' teenagers deliberately pretended they were going to crash into me with their car while I was walking through a parking lot; last week I was accosted by another tall, dark and handsome woman, as per my blog yesterday. Both left me shaken. Just now I went to get a few groceries at "Da Pig" (Piggly Wiggly), was moving my cart to put the groceries in, a few feet from these two women, who were just coming into the store. I was watching what I was doing, and being careful, but the one nearest me made a big production of stopping and gave me a look, which I read as, "Oh ah know you aint gone bump inta me wid dat cart...". I wanted her to know I try to be sensitive to other people's feelings, so I said to her and the other woman who was with her counting out her food stamps, "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you". She just looked down her nose, curled her lip and gave me another look, which read, "Oh, you...you aint nothin' ", then to emphasize her point, she gave me the 'finger', kept it in place, as she turned and lifted it even higher in the air as she waved it, and slowly waddled away, with what appeared to be two overly-inflated beach balls taking turns rolling up and down in the pants she had stretched over them. (Well, admittedly, I've got a big butt, too, so I don't have an whole lot of room to ridicule on that level, but right about then I was so angry I felt like crying.) When they had taken about ten steps down the aisle, they turned, laughing and looked back at me, still standing there shocked, which made them laugh all the harder and nudge each other saying something witty, I'm sure.
The nerve to treat anyone like that! I mean, where are people these days getting the nerve to act like that? I don't care what her attitude was; I am somebody, too, somebody whose husband has been out on a tugboat for ten weeks paying at least $2,000. in taxes for the food stamps she was about to use to reload her 'beach balls',... and that's the gratitude.
And...that's all I'd better say for now, lest I get myself into any more trouble. I do have to live around here. (Lemme put my soapbox away now.)
Note to self: Add another name to List of Characters in last week's blog post. "LaTanque Somebody or Other"


  1. Anonymous8:43 PM

    uuuumbaaaaaaaa! you just said a bad word!:O j/k :O You still have piggly wiggly there holy c***! Those stores were here how many years ago:O never mind that would be telling my age!:P back in 1976 at least!:| Peggy they acted out that way just cause they can, they probably were embarrassed that they were using food stamps! :O I can't believe they have stamps still, in our area the past few years they have like credit card things they use. Keep your chin up and show them your tuff side!

  2. Hiya again, Taffster,
    I guess down here in Louisiana they must be called food coupons or something. And believe me; the attitude wasn't about embarrassment, it was more about harrassment. Some people walk holding their noses high so as to look wayyyy down on others around them. They stroll along as though they are ROYAL, the air around them rarified and they own they planet. And don't forget the chip on their shoulder...very important to keep a chip on one's shoulder so as to have an excuse to show how BAD they are. As much as I love Louisiana, I've never seen anything like it. Oh suuuuuure, Taffy...I'm goina show people like this my tuff side???? People carry guns nowdays. They'd love an opportunity to use them, and believe me when I say this: there would be no witnesses because nobody would 'see a thing'.
    But cha know what? I will keep my chin up, my eyes open, my car door and windows shut, and try to keep an open mind about the whole thing. The whole area needs prayer.
    Love you, Taff!

  3. Anonymous9:35 PM

    if peoples rude, ignore them. If u make eye contact, that's when they know u notice them and get attitude. Act like u don't see them at all. Keep doors n windiows locked on car; then they can't get u.

  4. Thanks anonymous, good advice. It must be me or something; I must be the one with the chip on my shoulder cuz it happened AGAIN in the Winn Dixie grocery store today. I forgot to bring my discount card and felt bad about it, but the clerk glared at me, and banged my groceries hard into the bags. When it became obvious I had to bag the rest of my own groceries, she started flinging them hard and fast...really, really fast and hard at me. I kept up, but wondered why the heck she was so angry...must be she was having a bad day. I felt kind of sorry for her then, so I tried joking with her when I paid, but she just ignored me.
    I guess I'm going to have to take your advice and not make eye contact, but it's a sad day for me, because it's one way I try to connect with people. I noticed that these angry people, as you said, do not look me in the eye, and if they do...it's just to glare.
    And believe me, Cappy 'reminded me'...LOL...to keep the windows closed no matter what, with the doors locked, as you said. What surprised me was when he said,"What in the world were you doing sitting in a parking lot under a tree??" Uh...eating lunch with my dogs and minding my own business. Wow...the world has really changed in the last few years.
