

Well, now I'm getting excited! Cappy left around the first of August to go back out on the boat and won't be home til the beginning of October. That part of it sure 'aint not' exciting, but out there on the boat, he's made definite plans for us to go to Houston to be with his family for 2007's Texas Renaissance Festival. Yee-Haw!! I've been wanting to go for years, but we haven't been able to, for one reason or another. I've never been to a "Ren-Fes", but have seen pictures of them. If I look past Cousin Larry's photos of wimmens, whose busts appear to be trying to to burst outa their chain-mail garb, in the background I see regular-looking folks, children included, meandering around having a wonderful time. (We all tease Cousin Larry; he's a sweet-natured teddybear, whose camera seems to have an eye for the ladies.)

I've never been to Houston, but what both Cappy and I are looking forward to the most about going, is seeing family and friends who live there. We have a lot of family over there. And Friends! That's why I,personally, am so excited. I just love them all dearly and can't wait to (as Cappy puts it) "hug their necks". Just caint hardly wait. It'll be fun, relaxing and enjoying the company of some of the most intelligent people we know; for instance, Cousin Mark, a Continental airline pilot, we considered worthy enough to name our bayou bichon after. All kidding aside, (although it is true), Cousin Mark is the sharpest, most well-informed guy we know. Our Texans all seem to be a brainy bunch. We have school teachers, artists,engineers, administrators...who knows what all. One thing I do know is that we'll come back with lots of pictures and plenty of stories for Ya'll.
Sighhhh, only 26 more days to go...to go...to go.


  1. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Glad to see that you'll be enjoying the great state of Texas Peggy! Is that just You and CRay or are the Bichon Bandits coming along for the ride?

  2. I like your typo...Cappy used to be called (and still is by some family members) "T-Ray" meaning 'Little Ray', his Daddy, being Raymond.
    Nawwww, da Brats are all staying home. We'll see if one of what Cappy calls the neighborhood kids, "The boyscouts", will look after them. We really like Brett; he does our lawn and looked after our boys when we went on other trips. He's very reliable and trusthworthy...what Cappy calls,"a good Catholic boy".
