
Cruisin' Down Da Bayou, Jammin' To Da Blues

Peg and I, with or 2 bratty Dawgs, went fishing/boat riding in and around the lake by our house. We made a slideshow of our trip, but try as we might, we couldn't get Blogger to take the video. So, we did the next best thing and loaded it up to youtube; here it is: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=7UpjGGc-Y80
hope you enjoy it. While riding around, we also got some video of an eagle. Now that the pesticide DDT is finally dissipating from our environment, the big birds are making a roaring .... or is that squawking(??) comeback. Since we are down- stream from everywhere, it took longer for the DDT levels to drop low enough for the birds' eggs to be hard enough, not to crack in the nest. When I was a kid, eagles were something ya only saw in books, and Spoonbill Rosettes were mythical birds Grandpa talked about. I am so very proud to say that, this is no longer is the case. Well anyways, here is the link to the eagle video: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=HSdOTj_Qzr0&feature=user It's very obvious we still learning the video camera though.


  1. Anonymous7:39 PM

    your title reminds me of that song by Dave Matthews Down on The Bayou.

  2. Oh, I'll have to check it out. I'll bet Cappy knows which one you are talkin' 'bout. Thanks! Another good opportunity for me to listen to more good music. More than likely, when I hear the first few notes, I'll say, "Oh YEAH...I remember this one...too cool!"
