
Easter Sunday 2008

Easter Sunday was the perfect culmination of a wonderful Holiday weekend. The weather was glorious; ya couldn't a asked fo' no betta'. After Friday's seafood feast and Saturday's egg dying fiasco, we came home for a fried turkey Easter Sunday get-together. The kids feasted on grapefruits fresh picked from da yard. I'm not sure if'n it wuz cause they sooo wonderfully sweet and juicy, or just the novelty of pickin' 'em fresh from the tree. The biggest kid of 'em all, Darryl, ate like 3 of 'em. Ren and Claire tried to teach us to play washers, (the latest backyard game fad) but it became evident real quick that it would take lots of practice 'fore we could compete with Ren; the kids a washer ringer :-p While Peg put the finishin' touches on coleslaw, dirty rice, steamed veggies, and nibbled on the lemon squares she had made earlier, me and my lil sis, Maria, fried a couple small turkeys. Not too sure why lil sis was so helpful with the fryin', but I suspect is was so she would be first to snitch the crunchy skin when it was done. We had a wonderful day and lounged around laughing and visiting til late evening. As always, the place seemed empty when they left, leaving a void of their love and laughter behind. I just gotta thank God for a wonderful wife and family and a great day to celebrate the most important of Christian Holidays.

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