
Wearin' O' the Green in Our Yard

...no cats and rats or elephants or sure as yer born, yaint gonna find no unicorns in this slideshow (below).

Brad's family called this morning to let us know that his fever has abated, so they are transporting him to an esteemed research hospital in Houston. I know I've said this many times, but his family continues to amaze me. In the midst of everything going on, as difficult as it must seem to be able to focus on anything other than Brad's health, what with all the packing and organizing to 'caravan' to Houston and setting up temporary living arrangements in a hotel, Monica, his Mom, made an important detour to shop for her younger boys to make sure they have a nice Easter. (I woulda been more than happy to track down some choc'lit bunnies and peeps...for uh..them, too.)
One thing that struck me this morning was when Brad's aunt, Sybil, said that they believe that whatever comes from Brad's treatments, that, because they are using state of the art research on him, much will be learned to help other patients in the future, as well. My goodness, such wisdom and strength of character. And, all they ask of us is for continued prayers.
Here in South Louisiana, it's March; as you can see from the slideshow, everything in our yard is greening up, and Spring is in the air. It's a time of hope, renewal; and rebirth. That thought gives me a fresh perspective on how to pray for our young man, Bradley.
Now Brad...ya gotta hurry and wake up because you know what they say about Spring and a young man's fancy (turns to love). Your pretty young fancy, Leah, is still here waiting for you, Dear Heart.

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