
Brad of Life

I know it's been awhile since I've posted. As with you, life's been a kaleidoscope. More like a 'collide-Oh-scope' at times. Bunches of stuff going on.
But this is good news: I just learned that our teenaged neighbor, Brad, who was in that terrible car accident and has been comatose for a couple of months, is no longer in a coma proper. He is still not awake, but is rather, in a state of emegence and will be coming home in early June for a little while. He opens his eyes, participates in physical exercise, eats (pureed foods), ...the boy is trying HARD to come back. The doctors are amazed and said that when he's fully awake, he'll be the most physically athletic patient they've had to date. His parents have been by his side this whole time, working diligently with and for him. It seems as if the whole town, and surrounding towns have pulled together in support. Last weekend there was a fundraising benefit and they did "very well". This coming weekend in Thibodaux, there is another drive to raise monies to help with all the expenses accrued by this family emergency. As for our young man, who was once, a scant couple of months ago, at death's door, he is now recuperating, getting stronger and healthier day by day. We are all buoyed by Brad's zeal for his own recovery, even while in the midst of this, the greatest trial of his young life. The family is requesting continued prayers. That we can do.


  1. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Praise Jesus!

  2. Amen to that, anonymous. I see across the street that the neighborhood guys are hauling things out of Brad's family's house, and driving them out to who knows where. I was wondering what was going on...my NOSY...uh...neighborhood watch 'interest' had kicked in, but I found out that these guys are working and sweating, essentially putting in a new bathroom to facilitate Brad's needs when he comes home in a couple weeks. Tearing out the old and putting in the new. I also learned that in Thibodaux, Brad's cause has been taken up for a special fundraising cause this coming October. Their bills may be mounting, but with the care of family and those who care for them, so is their hope. And thank you SOOOOoo much for your continued prayers. If you'd like to know more, email me (Peggy) at Pegody@yahoo.com You won't have to jump through any hoops trying to identify what the scrambled letters are, to get through to me. I understand why this blogsite requires anyone who'd like to make a comment to us...why they do it, but boy! it's aggravating, right?(to those of you who've tried...and Thanks for trying.) Big Hugs!
