
Thibodaux La. Fireman's Fair

Sunday after recoupin' from Jazz Fest, Peggy and I were not sure if we wanted to go to the Fair in Thibodaux or not. Boy are we glad we did! Once we got there, backpack and leopard-skinned lounge chairs in tow, we had the best of times. The fair was wonderful, and reminded us of the carnivals of our youth. We rode the ferris wheel and Peggy got her usual candied apple. We walked around like a couple kids gawkin' at all the sights of the midway and slowly wandered towards the grand stand to pick a spot for the afternoon performances. Here's a slide show of our trip through the fair. Hope ya not skeered o' heights; or like my Dad usta say, "skeered o' sudden stops".
We stretched out da chairs, grabbed us a prime spot for music watchin' with some dancin' room in front of us, and I went off in search for some tickets for buyin' beer and stuff. I made a silly mistake: judging from the ticket prices listed for beer and food and drinks, havin' just come from Jazz Fest, I assumed the tickets were a doller apiece. I mean I just paid 4 bucks a beer yesterday right?? I forgot that we were in the country, though, and this was a fund-raiser fair for a fire dept., not a big city thang. The tickets were only worth 50 cents each. I thought the gal gave me a big stack of 'em and a funny look when I fished out 24 dollers and said give me some tickets. Well, auuugghhhhhh shucks!! I wound up with way more beer to drink than I planned, but have no fear I was almost up to the task. I shared a few of 'em with folks sitting by, and by the end of the show, 10 beers later I was "aaaaaiieeeee"-ing with the best of them.
While we waited for our 'long-legged' lady, our favorite female star, Marcia Ball, to rise and light up the night, we listened to the Wet Willy Band, who warmed up the stage for her. They were fantastic, and we caught a little bit of them on this slideshow, just ahead of our Marcia Ball's performance.
I just can't say enough 'bout Marcia Ball. If yall not familiar with her music this is her singin' on this slideshow.She is the best singer/songwriter/piano player to come outa da South in a very long time. Her newest CD "Peace, Love, and BBQ" is amazin' and if some of the songs 'bout post-Katrina South don't choke ya up, then ya aint got a heart. We bought a copy there, since it's about the only CD of her's we didn't have. She visited with us after the show and even autographed the CD for us. (There was NOOOO way that could have ever happened with the HUGE crowds over there in New Orleans this last week, where we had gone to see her.) We even turned her on to our Blog and told her the Listerene 'trick' to keep da skeeters out o' da house. (Spraying it around the entry-ways.) You really need to "hot-foot" it to ya favorite music store and get ya a dozen or so, of this hard workin' local gal's CD's.

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