
Diana's Passing

Diana, our daughter-in-law passed away yesterday in her sleep. She's the mother of our granddaughter, Cierra and was only 38 years old. She had gone to the doctor on Monday and was scheduled for tests yesterday, but alas the schedule for tests had come too late. Presently it appears to have been some kind of kidney failure, but results are pending. Although she and our son, Thom had been estranged for a few years, it's obvious, talking with him, that his love for her never waned, and he's taking her passing with much grief. Love can be like that sometimes; despite vast chasms, it can still abide.
Diana had a quick wit, a good sense of humor, and tried to do the best she could, even in trying situations. She was gentle and gracious, bringing laughter to the folks in the nursing home, where she worked. It's all such a sudden shock, and words presently escape us. Prayers for the family would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I just learned that Diana actually died of a heart attack. That's so young. Because of the proverbial 'circumstances beyond my control' just now, I won't be able to travel to western NY to attend her memorial services this coming Monday, but will do as much as we can from here. When we go up north this next coming month, Cappy and I & the dogs, we will get together with Cierra, who is living with Diana's sister, Betty and her husband in South Carolina. Cierra's six years old, and an only child. These circumstances are always just awful and very confusing. I can't imagine how it must be for our little granddaughter. Despite all this, we know that children are resiliant, and she seems to be doing well just now. Her mother can rest now, knowing that both families will be doing the best they know how, for her little girl.
Rest peacefully, Diana, and know that before you even expect it, your family and loved ones will be joining you, one by one, as you joined those who have been waiting, There, to welcome you home, Dear Heart.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:00 AM

    i'm so sorry, i didn't know. wow prayers with both families. glad to know the baby is cared for. sooo young.
