
The Christmas Hustle

Oh gosh, I forgot to explain, for those of you who don't know; the lady who is dancing with us is Cappy's Aunt Gussie. We love her to pieces!!!


  1. Anonymous2:06 AM

    how adoreable


  2. Thanks MORI, We included Aunt Gussie, cuz she really can MOVE, dat girl! :-D

  3. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Cappy & Pegody----juat a readin of your writins leaves me feeling so good---I can't quite explain it--so I won't even try.

    How about that old Swag, huh---& to think we "found" her on the Forum......

    Keep up the blogging and Merry Christmas---and thanks for the beautiful card!!!

  4. Awwwww,you are just too sweet! We thank you so much for your comments. We realize it's hard to 'jump through a lot of hoops' to post a comment, but I'll tell you, we are always THRILLED to get feedback. Anytime we see that we've got a comment on one of our posts, we always say to the other one, "Oh Look! Somebody left us a response!!" (Cappy used to say we are easily amused; now we say that it's because we appreciate the little things of life. They mean so much to us.) Thanks again!
    And yep, that Swag is a sweetie-pie.
    We are glad you got our card. God Bless you richly this whole Holyday Season. (And that goes for "Yall")
