
My Favorite Things...(sing along with me)

Raindrops on bayous and whiskers on Cappy,
Bright, sincere smiles and chick-flicks that are sappy,
Brown chicken stewing in Gumbo with rice.
These are my favorite things that are nice.

Dreamy white clouds in an azure blue sky,
Writing our Blog posts, and stuff that we buy,
Laughing and sneezing, as we blend our spice,
These are my favorite things that are nice.

Visiting family and giving them hugs,
Dancing with Cappy and filling his mugs,
Practical jokes are my one special vice.
These are my favorite things that are nice.

When the news bites,
When the world stinks,
When I'm fuming mad,
I try to forget it and do something else,
And then I don't feel so had.

Curlie white Bichons, and no they're not poodles,
UPS truck bringing kit-and-kaboodle,
Sugar cane burning, the smell is so nice,
But here come the cockroaches~~~
Here come the mice!

When the toilet takes the cockroach,
When I hear the mouse TRAP!!!!
I think of those people I'd like to see there,
And then I don't feel so had......
And thennn I don't feel sooooooo baaaaaaad.


  1. Anonymous11:28 AM

    It's Trish...I don't know about you but I am feeling rather sick this morning.

  2. Ya know what, tho? I watched the View this morning to see what in the world they were going to come up with, and I really liked what Elizabeth told her little girl. Her little girl was so joyous about Barack winning, then asked, "Who lost?" It took Elizabeth aback, and she said, happily right back, "Nobody lost". On the show, she said that this was the best she has felt about the situation, during the whole time of the election season. Truthfully, I was a little apprehensive about the 'celebrations' that might take place, like after the Super Bowl, or after some special sports event...riots in the streets, etc. I think, IMhO, that the triumphant gaity afterwards had very much an element of solemnity and respect for the position that black people could now recognize, in our country, in the world, but most especially within themselves. Hey, Girl, whatcha think?
    Oh, and I tried calling my friend, Melissa and her Mom to hear their take on the whole thing, but they weren't around. I can't wait to find out. I really love them, and truthfully, am happy for them.

  3. P.S. I hasten to add: I'm not drinking any Kool-Aid, either; I'm just enjoying watching the 'honeymoon', the warm fuzzies, til reality starts to hit the fan.

  4. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Oh, I don't mean because of that. It's just that I don't trust him. I pray that I'm wrong about my feelings for him. I don't like his ties with Ayres...I don't like the whole ACORN thing...none of that

  5. Yeah, that's what I mean about the Kool-Aid. (I knew whatcha meant :-)
    I'm not trusting, yet, either. Too many of the things you mentioned, and for exactly the reasons you mentioned...Kool-Aid does taste good and sweet right now in the mouth, but I ainta swallowin' it.
    Cappy is on the phone right now saying,"I'm truly saddened that the first black man is such a liberal, that I couldn't find it in my heart to vote with him. I would have been honored to say I voted the first black president into office; however, in this case, I could not have looked myself in the mirror, knowing I had voted for someone who has, himself, voted and represented such extreme liberal causes. I wish, with my whole heart that the first black man would have been someone more moderate. I'd have voted for Bill Cosby in a heartbeat; he wouldn't have been the first out of work actor to be president of the United States."

  6. I guess I should mention that in the Fall, when the sugar cane farmers burn their fields while harvesting them, that's what sends the field mice and these big huge "waterbugs" or cockroaches scurrying out of the fields into the neighboring houses, if they can find a way in. I don't find many, but one or two a year is plenty for me.
