
A Short Love Note.

A Valentine for You--->http://www.bluemountain.com/view.pd?i=206698905&m=6065&source=bma992 (It might take a little bit to load...busy day, ya know.)
Hi everyone...finally. Sorry that I've not been blogging lately. (Pegody here)...been kinda down for awhile, so my creativity and silliness has been kind of dormant.
I finally got over that dreaded cold. It took awhile, tho. It seems everybody's got it in one form or the other and can't seem to shake it easily.
I should perk up once son Dan and his family shows up Tuesday night from western NY for Mardi Gras, then Cappy will be getting home on Thursday, AND one of Cappy's godson's, Patrick will be arriving on Friday. (Cappy is 'Parain' to three 'kids', Owen, Patrick, and one of his nieces, Treasure.)
Some rather unfortunate news: SparkyBear the Brat...the adventurer, has three compressed vertibrae and is in very much pain. We think he dove off the back of Cappy's recliner, where he loves to wait for us to come home. He ususally jumps down in the seat of the chair to 'dismount', but he might have just gotten so excited when he heard me pull into the driveway that he jumped off the back, wayyyyy down to the hard floor. He's really got short legs, and for him, that's a big unforgiving leap.
For the last week, I've been sleeping on the couch so I could be close to him, pet him and tend to him. He's been waking up and crying a lot, plus his back has been going into spasms. He's been to the vet's twice and he's on four medications. The dr. doesn't think he will need surgery, but he doesn't know how long it will be before he is well. I'm staggering around bleary-eyed for lack of sleep, taking care the poor little guy. And MarkyBear is bewildered becaue he doesn't know what's wrong with his brother. Boy! These dawgs and their rowdy 'snot-nosed little boy' injuries. Oh, they look all "shee shee froo froo", but they are like "crazy-nutzy" three year old little boys. Well, I do know one thing...we are NOT getting a cat...as much as these two dogs love "Kitty-kitties". (they see them at the vet's)

When Dan and the kids get here, we'll have to keep SparkyBear isolated so he doesn't re-injure himself in all the excitement. Of course, with all the medications, he might not even know that we have company.
I'm pretty sure you'll be hearing more about the Mardi Gras reverie (clean, family-style) and seeing pictures, as well in the coming weeks. Cappy has already written a story for you that I just need to illustrate and post.
Please, be well, happy, loved, and May God Bless you today, and always. Hey! Reach out and tell somebody you love them why don'tcha?? We Love you!!!


  1. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Oh dear! I hope it is not to long before Sparky Bear is up and full of adventures again.I also am glad to hear you are doing better.Was getting a lil concerned when there were no new blogs.I think bears have it right. next year lets sleep through winter! lol.take care and giving huggiess back atcha both..love, Linda and Dad

  2. Anonymous7:48 PM

    awwwww my sparky bear! i hope he's ok!
    tell dan i said hi and i love him.
    tell ev1 hi.


  3. Thanks everyone. At least he slept thru the night, then he's slept most of the day, all due to the strong pain pills, I think. He's also on anti-inflamatory pills to help reduce the swelling of the 'cushions' between the disks, and he's on pills to stop the spasms, plus, just in case he gets bladder infection from not going outside to potty enough, I might have to start him on that, but I try to get him outside regularly, even tho it's raining. He's also on over the counter glucosamine to help repair and strengthen the cartilege and fish oil on his food, to help lubricate his joints, as well. (I wish human doctors would recommend the last two things for people, because it really, truly works. They'd rather prescribe harsh, expensive drugs from the pharmeceutical companies for profit.)
    Good idea Linda and Dad. I'd love to be able to sleep like a bear. You guys are too sweet.
    Mori...I'll tell Dan you said "Hi". Is Jeff back in Olean?
    The neighborhood is quiet right now; a lot of them are off to the Mardi Gras parades; rain or shine. Since I wasn't raised around it, I don't really get into it unless Family is involved.
    Gotta run. I gave SparkyBear his pain pills about 40 minutes ago, but he's crying and whining pitifully, so I'll just sit and pet his back for awhile. The poor little boy.

  4. Anonymous10:28 PM

    jeff has been in olean.
    he goes in on the 18th for a disk replacement in his neck, he has 5 bad ones but one is blown.
    so he is no longer able to work, will be off at least another year.
    heres jeffs umber he's been wanting to talk to you,i am up here so i can go with himfor surgery.
    585-403-9933 cell
    716-379-8194 house
    give hima call
    love you guys mori

  5. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Poor Sparky Bear, you fury pals need to stick togather!We thought we were going to loose Bear this week as well,but he is back to his perky self!Peggy glad your feeling better,the crud is going around here as well. Although not working at the moment, still doing Hospice for the gal across the street, and chasing the busy kids!


  6. OH migosh, Taffy! I always admire the picture of Bear that you have on the messenger list. I asked Cappy if Bear is a Bichon, or a poodle, but I think he said Bear is a poodle. It's getting harder and harder to tell, especially down here where the groomers aren't sure how to groom them, so they pretty much do the "cookie-cutter" thing...they all the same "do". But what was wrong with the little guy???
    As far as that crud; Cappy and I have been trying to track down the source of everybody's sneezing and coughing,plus eyes watering like crazy, which then turns into a chest cold because of low resistance. Mine started when I brought in Christmas wrapping paper. Now we noticed that when magazines, news flyers or anything with certain ink comes into the house, we are both "crying" and sneezing. It seems every store I go into, no matter who is working the cash registers, they are all in the same bad shape and complaining about it. Cappy sternly told me not to go seeing a "china-man" behind every bush(!), but with so much stuff coming out of China that has aversely affected us, I do kind of wonder.
    MORI...well that's shocking about my nephew Jeff. How's he going to manage to race his cars now? Do you think that might have had something to do with it?? I sure will be calling youse guys! And you know you all are in our intensive prayers. Make sure to tell him that.Love U!

  7. Anonymous4:50 AM

    well peggy im glad your better and i think sparky will be ok to. its been a while were all good here in Canada just got back from Cuba had to go three thousand miles lol to go get my rum fix and bring some back lol. any way have fun you two

    remember hockey is the passion that unites us all

  8. Anonymous10:34 PM

    i got the crud too since i been to ny.
    jeff got hurt at work lifting those big heavy tires.
    we are going to buffalo tomorrow, we will be there till thursday.
    keep him in your prayers, surgery is wed.
    love you, have fun at mardi graw

  9. Anonymous9:56 PM

    surgery went well, they replaced a disk. he was up and moving right after, so things are good.

  10. Sorry to hear about Sparky! Hope he's feeling better soon and you too! I just had to come by after seeing the comment on my blog. I'm having fun :-)
    Cousin Susie
