
Vote For Jude April 4!

Tomorrow Cappy and I have the honor and privilege to get out and vote for our neighbor, Jude Gravois for Judge of Court of Appeal. If you are 'kin' to Cappy, then most likely you've met Jude and Sonia on several occasions. If you have been regular readers of ours, then, for certain, you've heard us talk about them many times, because they are friends of ours, whom we have always held in high esteem. We are thrilled that he's running for this position. South Louisiana desperately needs honest politicians, and Jude is as honest as the day is long (and longer, actually). I could go on ad infinitum, but will let Cappy have his say. Presently, he's taking a nap. We will add his imput and edit this post.
We wanted to share the good news about Jude's campaign, and urge those who are readers in our district, to please join us at the polls Saturday, April 4.

1 comment:

  1. We got word last night that Jude had won the election. We are thrilled, it truely was an answered prayer. An indivigual such as Jude is a rare treasure in todays judicial system. I wish him all the best and a heart felt congrats,
