
A Memorial Day

We decided to celebrate our Memorial day at home alone, just us and da dawgs. It's been a very busy time for us and we really needed some quiet time. Around noon I fired up da pit, put da Blues on da outdoor speakers and opened me a beer. While Peggy made her bbq beans and macaroni salad. I smothered down a pan of onions and some appetizer weiners.
Threw a lil seedless melon in da ice chest to keep da beers company, and sat back and enjoyed da patio.This beautiful pink flower is one of a string of gladiola blossoms. I accidentally brushed it off of it's stalk earlier and hated to leave it on the ground, so I brought it under the patio with us.Our canna lillies are beginning to bloom.
While I was minding the pit I gathered some fresh spearmint from the yard and fixed Peggy a Mojito. Sweet, limey, minty just right for a warm day.
If ya look around our patio, there is lots of little surprises lurking around in the shadows. Every where ya look another lil surprise is there.
Might say it's as much fun as a barrel of monkeys.
The chicken and burgers were soon done.
We settled down to a great meal and really enjoyed our treasured time together. Remembering to thank God and the men and women who gave their lives so we would have the freedom to enjoy a day like today. Now with a belly full it's nap time:-)


  1. lynnie_539:59 AM

    Cappy and Peggy, I see you all like to collect drift wood also. I love your piggy. What is it used for. (Watering can/decoration??????)Everything looked really good.

  2. Anonymous11:47 AM

    mmmmmmm ya'll need to stop showing that good food! i'm hungry! lol

  3. lynnie, pourky da pig is a watering can to douse BBQ flame-ups. A pit mascot sorta:-)
