
This Year's Gardening

I noticed that, unlike earlier years, we haven't posted anything about our garden yet. That may be in part, due to the fact that we planted very late, and so far aint had nuffin ta brag about. We were so busy with the holidays and company, and remodeling the house, that our garden sat unplanted 'til late April. On my last day home last hitch I managed to finally harvest all of the carrots and beets from the winter garden, and work the soil some before I left for work. Somewhere towards the end of the month, Peggy got some pearlite and plant food and re-worked and planted our lil square foot garden and herb patch. This year we planted yellow squash on one end, cucumbers on the other end and okra in the middle. Our little 4'x4' herb garden got peppers, parsley, horseradish, green onions, a salad patch and peggy's beloved oregano. Those of you who follow our post may notice the missing giant rosemary bush that threatened to take over our lil 4 foot garden. It now resides off in another corner of the yard with room to get as big and unruly as it wants. Since the soil was so warm by the time we planted, in a short few days the stuff was sprouting. Even the usually late okra can be seen sticking its little heads outa the middle of our garden. Today being May 18th the garden hasn't been planted a month yet and already is well on its way. the squash on the far end already have a couple flowerbuds, the cucumbers are beginning to reach for the netting, and the okra are beginning to reach for the sky. I am entertaining the thought of putting in some bush beans for ground cover as the okra get tall; we will see. The peppers are blooming in the herb garden and We will soon be eating salad from the patch of greens. The soil for the herb garden came from our compost pile and the garden seems to be sprouting a few "volunteers"; time will tell. We may be off to a late start but we have plenty good friends and neighbors and already are recieving bags of veggies from them. Yesterday Sam and Louise gave us a bag full of juicy cucumbers and one full of new red potatoes; both of which Peggy immediately used for her Yankee potato salad. If past years are any indication, our little garden will soon be doing its share of producing too. As always we will keep yall posted.:-)

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