
Safely Home Again

Another long hitch is over and I am safely back in my sweet Peggy's arms. It was a very hot rainless hitch making outside work very difficult except for morning and evening times. On these dangerously hot days it's hard for me to take pictures 'cause every time I stick my camera outside it immediately fogs up from sitting in the air-conditioned wheelhouse. On this particular evening I noticed what promised to be a nice sunset in the making, and set my camera outside for an hour so it could adjust it's internal temperature and unfog. I think it was worth the trouble 'cause this is what I saw. I'll let the pictures tell the rest of this story.


  1. Anonymous9:28 PM

    awesome pictures! like always!

  2. Heyyy Taff, thanks. Ya are too sweet to say that, Sha.

  3. Anonymous7:43 AM

    reminds me of the ocean in North Carolina! Beautiful as always.

  4. Hi Suzanne! I've never been to the ocean coast of North Carolina, but if it looks like Cappy's photos, it's gotta be gorgeous. We want to travel up along the coasts (both) sometime. What I've seen so far that is just amazing in North Carolina is the breathtaking view of Mt. Airy. I've just gotta find a way to get Cappy there to see that!
