
A Cold Winter's Night

As the temperature plummets tonight, I was forced to run outside with an armload of big brown bathtowels and wrap our small young trees, to prevent them from freezing in the upcoming and continuing arctic blast that has taken over our country, including South Louisiana. Once swaddled in various shades of brown terrycloth and clothes-pinned into place, the trees took on the look of diminutive Franciscan priests standing, hooded, in the dark yard, eerily lit by the streetlight. Slightly bent over from the weight of the towels, the 'monks' silently stand their ground, prepared to face the frigid night ahead of them.
I came into the house, stamping my half-frozen feet and hoping to get a sense of feeling back ino my nose and ears. The dogs not, wanting to wander back outside into the icy cold, had been sitting by the front door waiting for me. As soon as the door swung open to let me in, they both spied the 'trespassers' in their yard and bolted outside barking madly in an attempt to alert the whole neighborhood of the invasion of the minature monks and to frighten them out of our yard. The tiny 'priests' were unfazed by the ruckus; they stood there, heads bowed, slightly bobbing in the North wind, mutely standing vigil in the icy darkness.
When the dogs finally gave up, perhaps thinking they had sufficiently intimidated their rogue adversaries, and I managed to herd them back into the house, I was able to close the door on the figid priestly "still life" spectacle in our backyard, hoping them the best as they brave the long cold night. I hope the morning light finds the valiant little friars none the worse for wear.


  1. Hope the monks come through the cold nights okay! We are in a mild pattern out here so only the rain to contend with. Stay Warm!

  2. Thanks, Suzy! Cappy had icicles hanging off his boat this morning. I sure hope tomorrow brings warmer weather around here, as promised by most of the weather peoples on the local television stations. If so, that will be 'the end of the monks, the monks, the monks, the monks, and that'll be the end of the monks' :-) (you know that song?
    "I went to the animal fair,
    the birds and beasts were there. The big baboon,
    by the light of the moon
    was combing his auburn hair.
    The monkey, he got drunk,
    and sat on the elephant's trunk. The elephant sneezed
    and fell on his knees,
    and that was the end of the monk"...etc.

  3. Anonymous11:50 PM

    oh my, mom used to sing that song to me! that brought back memories!
    hope all is well down/over there.
    its been freezing cold here too but rainy too. slushy mess.
    wondered where you been.
    got a house phone now, i'll call you with it.
    what game did we used to play and where? you showed me when i was there, we played it with your friends......i wanna play again.
    i love you guys!


  4. Hey, Mori...what game are you talking about? You've got me kinda ker-foozed. A card game or a board game like Monopoly?

  5. Anonymous9:38 PM

    i used to play Foy all the time. i can't remember what it was.

  6. Hmmmm, Cappy and I are trying to figure out what game you are talking about. Are you sure Sookie isn't the one you used to play with? You could always ask her or Foy. Seems like one of them may remember.
