
One Fine Day

I was east bound in the intracoastal waterway one morning, approaching the town of Larose, LA, when I was blessed to witness this beautiful sunrise. It filled me with such a joy that I wanted to share my thoughts with a kindred spirit, so I called my friend, Skip. Skip is a fellow nature lover and we had a nice visit that morning and a rambling conversation. He mentioned a recent trip he'd had to Grand Isle, LA and commented on all the pelicans he had seen. Imagine my surprise when later that day while waiting for the Harvey locks, this pelican landed on the barge.
I watched him as he waddled towards the stern of the barge,

where he was met by a friend. They sat there for quite a while just like kindred spirits themselves, before flying off, just adding to the magic of an already good day.

It came as no surprise to me that the day would end with this beautiful sunset over the city of New Orleans. It was the only fitting end to one fine day.

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