
Pop Rouge Ice Cream

I am not certain if it was 'cause it's hot summer, or if I was feeling nostalgic after Mom's passing, or feeling inspired by cousin Suzy's blog post on ice cream ( http://kitchenbouquet.blogspot.com/ ), or a combination of the three, but I decided to resurrect this childhood favorite: "Pop rouge Ice-cream". Right off the bat, we hadda do a strawberry tasting to determine which current strawberry- flavored soda met our two requirements. #1. They had to be gluten-free, and #2. have that burn ya throat strong flavor of ole fashioned pop. It was fun having a soda tasting, full of giggling, tasting and retasting for comparison and judging contest, punctuated with burps of contentment, complete with an accidental shower of warm soda, until we decided to use Welch's strwawberry POP for the "P" in this simple recipe from my youth.
When I was a kid, this ice cream went with us on most all of the picnic/car trips/ bank fishing kinda outings we went on. Often, we would all load up in the car and go on a family outing. More often than not, packed in the trunk of the family car, along with picnic supplies and fishing, or crawfishing, or kite flying, etc. gear, was our ole hand-crank ice cream churn. The most oft-made product of our churning was this very simple sherbert: Pop Rouge ice cream. The reason it was most often made is, not only is it delicious, but very simple and reaquires no preparation. We usta just dump the ingredients into the churn and start cranking. The way Mom taught us to remember the simple recipe is, she used this simple saying: "E.P. C. 1. 2. 3." I guess properly written, the recipe would be:

1. 12 oz. can of Evaporated milk

2. 12 oz. bottles of strawberry soda ("POP")

3. 14 oz cans of Condensed milk

Then churn, using the "churn, rest, repeat" method 'til ya get this:

I am not sure that these pictures does this simple, delicious ice-cream justice. It tastes like a hug from my Mom, and a childhood memory come to life. I think I better serve up another dish to make sure we got it right.


  1. Awww I love this! You didn't miss the party at all. I added your link to the Mr. Linky thingy. Your Mom mad such great things..besides being such a sweet lady thats what I remember her for the most...FOOD! Love ya and wish I was there to give you a big hug. She's up there now make Pop Rouge ice cream for your Daddy. I wonder if she used more acronyms to remember her recipes. She's didn't write many down did she?

  2. Anonymous6:22 PM

    There are a precious few of Mom's recipees around. Some exist as notes in the margin of her old cook books. The rest Peggy and I try to be food detectives and come up with what we think she did. We are currently researching her pecan praline icing she used to do on sheet cake. We have made several attempts come close several times and its great messy happy giggling fun making small batches of the stuff till we get it right.

  3. Wow, how delicous! I can't wait to try this!

  4. How fun and delicious this looks! It's wonderful to have such great memories of your Mom!

  5. Thanks, Beth and Julie, it's super simple and by no means fancy. Just the sort of thing to trigger strong memories from a simpler time. The second batch is churning away as I type.

  6. This sounds delicious and I will try it soon. I just love the simpleness of it and I also love that you say "pop" rather than soda as I did.

    Great to "meet" Suzy's cousin, she is a very fun friend!

  7. Thanks Marsha, we stopped by your blogs and quickly realized we are totally out classed. Your blogs are amazing. We are pleased to know our cousin has a tallented friend like you.

  8. This sounds delicious and easy. My sister used to make something like this using Orange soda...

    Thanks for sharing the recipe.
    Jane (artfully graced)

  9. Simplicity is best, and this I will try. Any dessert made with condensed milk is a winner in my book! Does Pegody call it "pop"? I'm from Utica, NY and we call it soda. And I need to put in a plug for your cousin Suzy...she is the BEST. Truly.

    I wonder if Pegody misses those wonderful "weck" rolls from WNY.

  10. I would hav enjoyed the taste testing of the soda as well! Love strawberry POP.
    This is the kind of recipe I like -simple the better since I just purchased my first ice cream machine. Hope you find more of your Moms recipes - and my sincere sympathy to you and your family, sounds like you will be keeping her memory alive for a long time to come.
    Glad you joined in on your Cousin Suzy's event.. she is such a cutie and is adored by many of us!

  11. That sounds just delicious. I know what you mean about the soda tasting...not just any old one will do. We recently had a tasting party with root beer. Everyone chose the same one, which I found interesting to say the least. Love the way that your mother got this recipe down to something very easy to remember.

  12. Anonymous9:55 AM

    hi Peggy and Cappy! I found my way to your blog...really likes it! Especially the great pic of ice cream(droolll)...this is North BTW. Hugz to both of you and take care!

  13. My 2 boys and I were going to make this last weekend for a Boy Scout Ice Cream Cook-off, My wife has an old church recipe book from Amelia, LA with this similar recipe... however, we could not find Pop Rouge!! We decided on Peach flavored Soda instead, and though still made for a nice Ice Cream, we will try Welches Strawberry next time!

  14. Wow! You guys are great! Thanks for your comments. Yep, I used to call soda "Pop". My fav. pop when I was a kid was lemon lime. It's funny, but sometimes down here in South Louisiana, people will ask, "You want a coke?" If you say "yes", then they'll ask, "What kind of coke? Pepsi? Root Beer? CokeCola? What kind ya want?"
