
BBQin' A Ham

Peggy and I took a pork shoulder outa the freezer the other day.  We injected it with a home- made marinade of butter, beer, Cajun seasoning, garlic juice and cane syrup.  The next day Peg scored the skin while I mixed up a rub of one part Cajun seasoning and 2 parts light brown sugar.
We put it on the pit and smoked it for over 6 hours.

When it was done I tried to get it back into the house to take a pretty finished product picture, but I couldn't fend off the samplers, and a couple snitches got taken off from the pit to the kitchen.

Oh, and incase you are wondering it was every bit as yummy as it looks.


  1. Looks really good Cappy! Hope all is well with you and Peggy. The Forum ain't the same without ya.
    - David

  2. Thanks, David. Peg's neck injury from a couple of years ago has been giving her fits, lack of sleep, and because of that, loss of focus, etc. She is seeing another dr. tomorrow and hopefully things will soon be back to normal. Otherwise we are still very happy and in love. When she's feeling better, she'll be back to contributing to the Blog. During the Christmas rush, we tried getting back on the Forum, but our passwords weren't working. We'll look into that too.

  3. Cappy, so sorry to hear about Peggy's neck. I will keep her (and you) in my prayers. Sorry to hear about the password issue. Your profile is still there and you two are very much missed. BeBe is trying to get everyone revitalized into posting and your comments certainly would help the cause. Take care and talk to you soon my friends.

  4. It looks really good. I will keep Peggy in my prayers also. Hope she gets better soon. Miss her words of wisdom.
