
Merry Christmas 2012!!

Merry Christmas! I just got home from driving five hours to take Cappy and his crew their Christmas stockings and gifts. Like everybody, I've been rushing hither and yon trying to get things done. Now all I want to do is collapse into my nice soft bed surrounded by my nice soft bankies. What I'm going to do first is to put THIS year's Christmas card to you here on our Blog before I do anything else. I'm sorry to say that when I scanned it, and even tinkered with it a bit, the colors didn't come out looking as great as the original art. (...and I notice the snow glitter looks rather pathetic, too...rats.) Nontheless, our wishes for you are not faded. We hope you have a very wonderful Holiday...and because we want to include you in our celebration, we say to you, "Merry Christmas" and may God Bless you richly in the coming year.


  1. Anonymous5:35 PM

    And a Merry Christmas to you Guys too!!

  2. Hey, Thank you! It was wonderful, and I hope yours was as well.
