
"Down The Street Where WE Live"

After a long day of fun-filled outdoor chores, fresh from the shower, I flopped down into my big ole recliner with a cold beer and a heavy sigh of relief, thinking of what a great day I just had with my sweet Peggy.  A fine ending to a wonderful day. Right about that time she hollared, "Come see!!", so I hopped up and ran bare-footed outside to see whas up.  She was standing in the middle of our street pointing at a beautiful sunset.
As yall know, I am a big sunset fan, so we stood there arm-in-arm in the middle of our road reveling in God's finishing touch to our glorious day.  I stood there in awe thanking God for this amazing view and the amazing lady who had thought enough of me to call me outside so we could share the awsome handiwork of our generous Creator, together.

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