
The Empty Chair

It has taken me almost 2 months to be able to post about the passing of our beloved bratty bichon Sparky.  On the morning of July 9th I dug his grave, and that was probably the only thing I've done in the last 11 years that he didn't help me with.  He was in the house barely able to walk suffering from kidney failure.  Despite our efforts, IV's, trips to the vet his kidneys shut down and we had no choice but put our buddy ot of his agony.  He took his last ride in our SUV just like his first.  On my lap.  I stayed with him till the end.  Wrapped him in a blanket with the 2 toys he loved the most and brought him home and laid him to rest in the shade under our river birch next to the boat that he loved so  much.  Peggy is trying to write the story of his life, but being a man of fewer words I think what I will miss the most is his company.  The brat was always my constant companion.
Just sitting by the fire pit. 
The porch swing.
Napping in my recliner after a Saints game.
From planting our garden boxes.
To harvesting them he was there.
Picking fruit
Wiring the computer
Riding around in my jeep.
Having a few glasses of homemade wine, or
Begging for BBQed asparagus (go figure)
The thing I will miss the most is my fishing buddy.  Soon as the cork would bounce he was woofing some times even before I saw it.
As long as I live I will never look at an empty chair with out wishing he was in it.  I pray that in heaven there is a shady bayou bank with a couple chairs by it.  I will be there some day sitting with the brat while Peggy tries to get him outa her chair.

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