
ANOTHER Blog by Cappy and Pegody?

   We've been mulling over the idea of making another Blog for just cooking, restaurant reviews, and things pertaining just to food. If you know us at all, by now you know we just 'up' and do a lot of things. Well...one day, Cappy just decided "dis is da day", so he did it. He created another Blog for our family and friends, if you'd like to peruse it, called, "The Round Robin's Cajun Cooking Blog". Since our last name is Robin, and the "round"...well, it should be rather obvious as to why we chose that part of the title, or it chose us.

   This "Cappy and Pegody's  World" blog is for our adventures, like fishing or tall tales, stories, family occasions, as usual. All the food stuff, or most of it, will be packed onto the Round Robins, just like in real life. (pegody rolls her eyes). 
   We look forward to hearing from you, on this blog or on the new "The Round Robin's Cajun Cooking Blog". We are open to opinions, comments, or encouragement of our videos, posts or anything you might want to say. C'mon, don't be shy. 
   We'll also take prayers on our new endeavor with the food blog, because as Cappy is thinking up more wonderful Cajun dishes to make and video, he's telling me we need to diet and lose weight; now how is that going to work? After a time, an even newer blog entitled, The Even Rounder Robin's Cajun Cooking Blogggg?
 :-) Anyhow, the link to the new one:  http://theroundrobincajuncountrycooking.blogspot.com/     

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