
Base Camp 2, Dan's House

   Peg and I have always loved the idea of camping in private, overgrown woods and with thickets all around making for a cozy private campground, such as the one we found in Webster, New York, but an extensive stay began to mount up financially, then too, Peggy had been getting up at five thirty in the morning to make a somewhat long drive to help out with family, etc. Although we longed to stay where we were, we knew it was a reasonable idea to park our camper right in Dan's yard, where he invited us to do so in the first place.   He came out to welcome us and to help us park alongside his back patio under some huge, shady ancient trees.
The sling his arm is in was the reason we were up there. He was actually in a good amount of pain, and with the Mom of the family away all day, working to support everybody, he was having a near impossible time of taking care of their four month old infant. Even lifting her was a daunting task, not to even mention diapers.

Bo and Dan got us directed into a good parking space and it didn't take Bo long to find a good spot to observe the kittys from a safe location.

He loves cats. The problem is most cats misinterpret his happy bouncing galloping advances towards them and invariably hiss arch and swat him away on his approach.  He learned early on it was much safer to observe them from the safety of the camper window.

   This is Dan's beautiful wife, Jen. (Peggy typing now) She is a hard worker, and how she manages to juggle a job and kids the way she does is beyond me. I was NEVER as organized or as outgoing as she is. She is amazing.
   Next are grandkids starting with college student, Melinda, (shown here with boyfriend Gabe), and Melinda's baby sister, little Summer Rae.
Next comes Manny, our guitar-picking grandson, who is a junior in high school.  Manny is a very bright young man, even taking some college courses already and great help (Peg says, "huge, tremendous help") with the younger kids when he gets home from school.
Next comes our 7 year old artistically talented, autistic grandson, Chase, shown here in a rare quiet moment. To say this little guy is a handful is a drastic understatement. Peg, being an artist, says Chasie is a gifted artist, and thinks he will have a career as one when he is grown.
  Next is Emillie, four years old,  who was almost impossible to get a picture without her "Beaux Bear", (somehow while we were in Western,NY...having called our veterinarian and groomer for minor information, we learned that his named had gotten changed to the South Louisiana spelling from "Bo" to "Beaux", which sounds the same. So, from henceforth, he is Beaux Bear.) Emillie loves animals, and Beaux Bear loves sweet, cuddly little girls, to which Emillie's cousin, Kaitlyn will attest. (see base camp cookout)
Peggy took the only "dog-less" picture of her as I waited with her for her ride to pre-school.
Last, but far from least, is the baby, Summer Rae. She seemed to have a real crush on her Grandpop or maybe it was the other way around.

Here is Peggy and me with the baby in a restaurant. Summer Rae spent the whole time watching me. She's a sweet, sweet little girl.
While Peggy (loved) worked, cooking and cleaning, changing diapers and feeding the baby, helping getting the kids off to school and fed when they got back home, and supper ready for the family,  I helped as I could and spent time with Dan as I drove him to shoulder therapy and around town for errands.  If you know me however; you know it wasn't all work.  I still found time to fire up our little BBQ pit and have fun visiting.

Dan's backyard is wooded, and the back slopes down to a creek. It is full of maple and walnut trees and all manner of wildlife.  It was a far nicer camping spot than several parks we have stayed in over the years. We decided that even if you are staying in somebody's backyard you can still have a ball camping, cuz we sure did.

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